Summer 2020 Boxing Painting will be better than ever!
Yes we are following strict protocols to ensure safety for all.
Outdoors for the entire 45min
Six feet apart from other group members
Groups are made up of 3 participants only (separated by age)
Hand sanitizer provided at the start at end of session
Participants will wear latex gloves underneath the boxing gloves
All gloves will be properly sanitized before and after each session
All therapists will be in masks; participant mask-wearing is optional
Therapists and participants are required to take temperature an hour before group (99.0 or less required)
What will we be working on?
Building self-esteem
Remembering what it is like to interact socially (safely)
Learn how to release negative feelings such as anger, depression and anxiety
Stay active and stay outdoors
Get creative, be messy and have fun!
Group details:
Groups will begin the week of August 3, 2020 and are offered to ages 6-22
Owner, Robyn Schindler, will be running all groups!
There will be a total of 4 sessions in 4 weeks
One session is attended per week
Each session is 45min in length
Two weekdays will be given as options and each day will have a morning time slot and a late afternoon/early evening time slot. Once we know how many participants we have we will send out schedule options.
(For example: Wednesdays 11:30am or 5:30pm OR Fridays 12pm or 6pm)
Cost is $130 (total) if you pay for all 4 sessions at once. If you choose to pay per session it is $35 per session.
Registration: Email us at with subject line: PAINT IT OUT. Tell us the age of your child/teen/young adult and if you would like to pay per session or save with our package of 4. THAT’S ALL! We will email you back with details and how to process payment.